Thursday, August 30, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

Web Development Process-Development Life Cycle
By []Nik Chauhan

Web Development process can also be classified into different development life cycle steps just like traditional software development process. Basically Web development is process of designing a website for World Wide Web using various programming and designing technology.

Web development includes six processes:


Study and analyze the exact requirements. This can be through emails, questionnaires, interactive sessions, etc. Analysis must cover all aspects including the existing web system as well as audience.

Specification and documentation:

Create system functionality document which perceive all the requirements of the client with all the minute details. It will create better understanding about the system to be developed. Also mention all the future requirements as well as all the costing details.


This process includes designing a small prototype or small working model. It covers activities directed towards the architecture of the system and function flow diagrams including detailed specification of the system. In this process there can be lot many suggestions from the customer and those changes should be noted down and should discussed and before moving onto the next phase.


Development phase transforms the detailed design and specification into actual product through various hard code programs. It includes the integration of source code, database files and content into a single module or product.

Testing and Deployment:

It includes testing the product or modules of the product through various testing process like load testing, cross-browser compatibility testing, resolution testing and integration testing. It also includes the validation of pages through w3c consortium. The finished product is deployed and functions are carried out through the system, which the system is supposed to do.

Marketing and Maintenance:

Marketing is a process which involves preparation of Meta tags, optimizing pages from various factors, submitting the website to different search engine. Maintenance is the important step of the whole process. It includes frequent updating of the web site to keep it fresh. Various bug fixes and errors will be done during maintenance phase.

The above mentioned all the steps are not fixed for web development process. It may vary according to the company’s policy and strategy. []Web Development.
Source: []

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

Choose Wisely: PHP Templates and Search Engine Rank
By []Jacob Filipp

This article is intended for PHP web developers who create template systems for consistently presenting website content. PHP designers who create their own template systems should be concerned about how their choices affect the website's position in search engines. Below is a discussion of three types of systems, their impact on search ranking and a recommendation for the best approach.

Webpage as a CGI Argument

In this architecture one PHP script contains the entire template, and plugs in content from a file it reads in - getting the file name from a CGI parameter. These types of systems are not only prone to security problems (as users can modify the path argument to retrieve arbitrary files) but are also ineffective for search engine optimization.
This particular design does not allow for titles and keyword/description meta-tags to be associated with individual pages. This is because the header portion of the template includes the section within it, and only allows for one site-wide title and set of meta-tags. Titles are one of the most important page elements, and having one title - unrelated to the actual content retrieved - results in a lower rank in search engines.

There are two other detrimental SEO effects this type of system has. The first is that each unique page is viewed as an aspect of the template script, rather than as a unique standalone page. This can result in search engines lowering the importance of individual content pages relative to the template script - which is often not the desired result. The other weakness of this approach is that having individual pages set up as CGI arguments makes site metrics harder to track, as statistics often show a visit to a specific page as a visit to the general template script. The popular web statistics packages AWstats and Webalizer are most affected by this.

However, this type of templating system is popular and sucessfully used in the world of e-commerce. In such systems, product information is stored in a database and is inserted into the template when a product is requested by its code. This means that both a unique title and a set of meta-tags can be stored alongside the product data (or generated on the fly), and inserted into the global template effectively. The only detrimental effects that remain are the latter mentioned two, and are usually an acceptable tradeoff for the increased ease of administration that a database-driven system provides.

Template as an Include

In this architecture, each page on the website has its own filename with a .php extension. The top and bottom portions of the template are stored in separate files that are included (using include_once() ) by each content file. This technique increases the importance of the page with search engines, as each page is its own standalone page rather than a CGI argument. This type of template system also makes it simple to track page views through regular website statistics software.

On the other hand, this type of template system still has the weakness of having one title and one set of meta-tags for the entire site. This is, again, because the header portion of templates has to include everything from the opening of the tag to the end of the code for the header portion of the template. And this area includes the title and meta-tags. One workaround for this type of system is to code the top template page to check which file it is being called from, and to substitute a suitable pre-coded title. Although effective, such a system is cumbersome to maintain as each new page that is published warrants a new title and meta-tag entry in this secondary system.

Body-Only Includes

The ideal PHP templating system will permit content producers to enjoy the reusability of templates, while maintaining unique titles and metadata for each page with ease. The system that meets all of these SEO needs is a "body-only include" system: a system where each php content page includes the top and bottom portions of the template (as in the previous approach), but only includes the elements below the body tag. This translates into a document that has its own html, head, title and meta tags, has an include_once() statement which is called at the top of the body element and includes the top portion of the template, has the content, and an include for the footer portion of the template. Such a system allows for individual editing of the title and meta-information during the creation of documents and solves the problems that both of the aforementioned systems face.

I find this system the most search-engine friendly, because it keeps the title information and the content together - allowing for the presence of relevant, unique titles for each page. This system is also the most human friendly, as storing the title information in the same file as the page content allows for fast updating and avoids maintaining a second "workaround" system that attempts to match titles to content.


The types of template system that PHP developers choose to implement for clients' sites have a crucial impact on the future search-engine popularity of the client's webpages. Important factors to consider when developing a template solution are: relevant titles tied to content, relevant meta-tags, standalone files and ease of statistics tracking. The popular approaches of page-as-an-argument and template-as-an-include do not effectively provide these functions. Including template information after the body tag, and keeping headers intact is the best way to ensure that sites are optimized for search engines - and this is why you should consider using the Body-Only Includes model during your next project.

Jacob Filipp is a Canadian search engine optimization specialist at []Powerspirit. Jacob has 7 years of experience as a web developer and webmaster.

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Monday, August 27, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

Web Development Tricks and Techniques
By []Sean R Mize

In the recent past many industries have flourished as a result of internet life style becoming en vogue. One of these industries is the industry of web development. Web development means the work of constructing web sites. There are a number of freelancers and other web developers who are making a more than decent living through web development. The reasons are obvious. There has been a lot of increase in the number of web sites which are existing on the web today. The number of web sites is still increasing now.

Never before was the number of web sites on the internet as big as it is today. The competition has increased and as a result people need state of the art kind of web sites for their businesses. Success in the online business is dependent on the web traffic flow a web site gets. To ensure this flow, those web developers are preferred who can help you in promoting your web site by designing it properly. Web development is a full fledge industry now. It has its own rules of the game.

Being a web developer means you need to know everything about the current technology which is being employed to construct web sites these days. You need to be clear about the importance of promoting a web site. The web site designs which help a web site in promoting it are feasible these days. The use of media streaming and such other features is also important. The most important tack is that you need to know the latest technologies being used in the web development industry these days. You also need to assess the need of your client before you design the web site for your client. Paying attention towards these tricks will help you in being a successful web developer.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘

Download it free here: []Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

3 Reasons Why PHP Message Boards Rock
By []Matthew Keegan

If you are web designer, chances are you include forums on at least some of the sites you manage. If you haven't explored PHPBB2 you are missing out as this type of message board offers to designers a forum that is well supported, easy to manage, and above all else: free! Let's see why PHPBB2 is a hit with so many web designers.

Compared to some web designers, I am relatively new to the business. I created my first forum with MSN groups in 2002 then, six months later, I made the move over to EZBoard. Sure, it did not have all the bells and whistles of vBulletin and other corporate developed boards, but it did the trick for me. That is, until EZBoard was hacked and my livelihood nearly disappeared in moments some two years later!

In search of something different, I considered the move to vBulletin, but I was quite frankly not wanting to shell out license and upgrade fees on a regular basis. At the time of the EZBoard incident, I was running six forums, so I knew that I would eventually have about that many when I completed my transition away from EZBoard.

So, why PHPBB2? For three reasons:

1. It is free. Yes, absolutely! Since it is "open source" code, developed by the developers, it is offered as a free download to whosoever will. Believe me that is a big appeal and, apparently, many designers around the world feel the same way as over 200,000 people are members of their support forum.

2. It can be used across platforms. Whether you work in Windows or Linux, IIS or Apache PHPBB2 is usable and fully functionable.

3. Highly modifiable. Open Source extensibility is evident with the incorporation of PHP, HTML, CSS, and MySQL into the forum.

For the novice, PHPBB2 does take some getting used to especially since you are responsible for installing, maintaining, backing up, upgrading, and modifying your own forum. For your benefit you can access onsite Flash tutorials which are a great way to walk your way through the installation process too. As with any software it is vulnerable to outside attacks, so take care to make sure you regularly back up your forums and familiarize yourself with the security procedures.

In all, PHP message boards really do rock and at a price that cannot possibly be beat!

Matt runs two PHPBB2 sites at and

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

Web Development - An Overview
By []Munish Dev

A web page may be created for personal or professional purposes. Technology has made web development a convenient process. In fact the benefits of technology vis-à-vis the web are meant for both developers and users. The increased usage of the web and the growing number of websites are an indication of this. And what sets the web apart from other technologies such as the television and radio is the space it gives to the user. Everyone can have a web site of their own, but not everyone can, for instance, have a show on television.

The mix of personal and professional web spaces is interesting to track. In the initial days of the web, the purpose was purely idea-sharing at an academic level. In about two years, the web was opened up as a public place and you started seeing a mix of personal and professional sites. In the next stage of its growth, the web was filled with everyone’s personal sites. Everyone had a web page up and ready with personal photographs, ‘about me’ etc. And then came the boom of companies on the web, and business on the web grew like never before. The web became an inimitable marketplace for people to buy and sell all kinds of products and services.

In the lifecycle of website creation, the development team evaluates and, if necessary, revises ideas storyboarded by the design team. Web development is a specialized area of work which involves an understanding, even if not knowledge, of all other related processes. It can be said that the development team is directly responsible for the creation of a finished website. Evaluation is not just a technical procedure, and involves some degree of subjectivity also. Developers do not just mechanically use rules to create webpage. Individual web developers would bring their own style to the work, and the final product would be influenced in that way.

Web development is carried out with the use of languages such as HTML, XML, Flash, Perl, CSS etc. Like languages we use in our day to day life, each of these languages used for web development has their own respective logics. A web developer must be well-versed in the use of one or more of these languages. The lay person has a very simplistic understanding of what web development involves. The development stage of a website is in fact a long-drawn process often requiring rework and multiple revisions. Both creation and maintenance of a web space is known as web development.

As mentioned earlier technology is now geared towards making it easier for a common person to develop a web page. There are, now, many tools available to help a person develop a website and make the web development process easier to an extent. The very fact that there are websites taking care of the complete development side of website creation for users, speaks volumes for the complexities involved in web development. A lot of the complexities of web development arise from the fact that a web developer must possess the ability to troubleshoot serious technical problems.

Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX) is a web development technique used to create interactive web applications. Even though the phenomena itself has been around on the web for about a decade, the term AJAX was recently attributed to this technique which is often misunderstood as being to be a technology. AJAX is very relevant in present day web surfing. There are times when you need your website to seem more responsive. But at the same time to continually process small amounts of data requested by the user you cannot afford for the whole web site to be reloaded. AJAX allows this activity to go on behind the scenes which accentuates the sense of interactivity on the web without affecting the speed of the web site. Filling up forms on websites, and other such activities become particularly easy because of this technique.

The technicalities can be avoided, but any company doing business online must have a good understanding of web development. These companies looking for a resounding web presence must be aware of issues like browser compatibility, accessibility, and web standards. Web standards in particular have been put in place to ensure that websites meet their fundamental purpose if communicating with a user.

In the field of web development ‘web development India’ is the new mantra of success. Global companies are recognizing the path-breaking working being carried out by web developers in India. Companies from across the world are partnering with Indian firms because of the cost-effective, superior quality services on offer. Web development professionals in India with their expertise are attractive key global players towards India. Touted as an industry that will see phenomenal growth in the next couple of years, web development India is surely going to be the way of the future.

Munish Dev Rathee working as an SEO cum Content Writer for an []Web development India

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

Offshore Software Development - How to Select Projects That Will Succeed
By []Mandli Sathyanarayan

One of the key decisions a company needs to make in off-shoring software development is which projects to offshore. You cannot simply offshore “maintenance” projects, because your staff in the U.S. wants to work on new product development. This issue must be carefully thought through and here are time tested and proven guidelines:

1. Business objective: It may sound simple but make sure you clearly define your objectives for offshore outsourcing. Are you going offshore for cost only, for cost and skills, do you wish to use local expertise to develop or customize products for that part of the world? Each of these can lead you to a different list of potential projects.

2. Adequate resource pool offshore: This issue is not always obvious; but depending on the technologies you employ, you need to ascertain if there is a large enough resource pool. Competition for the right resources in countries like India is intense; if you are in a narrow niche and you need to invest significant training dollars to get the staff up to speed, you need to think through how you can retain your staff. Industry has experienced many instances where one company invested in training key staff, only to find that 6 months later a competitor offered enough incentives for the recently trained staff to leave the first company. A mid-sized company who experienced this is evaluating if they should bring the project back to U.S.

3. ROI: A small software company recently considered off-shoring; the proposal was to offshore the equivalent of four to six developers. The financial analysis indicated that at this level, the overhead needed to establish and manage an offshore effort was significant and the cost savings after considering all associated costs didn’t exist. The company decided against outsourcing. This example points to another criterion for determining whether a project makes sense for offshore -- return on investment. After all, one of the most common reasons for off-shoring is to reduce cost.

4. Deliverables and level of interface with the U.S. team: Can you define clearly what the offshore team needs to do? The more you can do this, the better your chances of success. What is the level of interface? How much interaction does the offshore team need to do with the U.S. team? If you need to provide ongoing (read: some times daily) management guidance, it will take significant management effort make it successful or worse yet, it may not succeed at all.

5. Specialized equipment or tools: If your development environment involves specialized tools and equipment, it can impact financial feasibility and schedules; you need to think through the time it will take to create the necessary environment offshore.

6. Transfer of Information and Training: How long does it take, at what cost and whether you have personnel available to devote to this, in addition to doing their own current tasks?

7. Cultural fit (Contextual knowledge necessary); is it possible to train offshore personnel within a reasonable time frame? For example, projects that deal with user interfaces are harder to transfer because of the need to understand the cultural issues in the U.S.

8. Attracting and retaining offshore talent: If you are doing new development or you are in a hot technology area, this will work in your favour. If you are considering dated or proprietary technology with limited market appeal and/or sustaining effort, this will work against you.

For a free download of Sath’s e-book “6 Key Steps to achieving success in global Outsourcing”,
"click Here"

M. M. “Sath” Sathyanarayan is President of Global Development Consulting, Inc., an advisory firm focused on global outsourcing. Sath is a pioneer and an internationally recognized expert; he led HP/Tandem’s entry into global outsourcing beginning in early 90s, was CEO of 24by7 Corporation and now consultant, author and trainer. He is author of the book, “Offshore Development and Technical Support: Proven Strategies and Tactics for Success”, a must read for anyone involved in global outsourcing.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

How to Install WordPress Using Fantastico
By []Shawn DesRochers

Using Fantastico to install WordPress

Using Fantastico to install your WordPress Blog is one of the easiest methods and probably the quickest ways of setting up a blog. Fantastico will install the WordPress software and create the database and the configuration file for you.

How to use Fantastico to install WordPress?

Login to your web hosting control panel, and in this tutorial we'll assume your using cPanel.

It can usually be accessed by the default method.

1) Login to your control panel "cPanel"

2) Click on the Fantastico icon or look for the Blue Smiley Face icon.

3) Select WordPress from the list on the right.

4) Click New Installation.

5) Select the domain name you want WordPress installed on.

If you have more than one domain hosted on your account, be sure to select the domain you want your WordPress Blog installed in.

6) Decide if you want WordPress installed in the root or a sub-directory.

Example: if you want it in the root directory leave it blank. If you wish to install it in a sub-directory make up the directory name you want it installed in like "blog or wordpress".

7) Next enter an Admin username and password, but be sure to write them down as you will use this information to enter your WordPress Admin Panel.

8) Now enter your Admin nickname that you will go by when posting articles.

9) Enter your admin email address that you wish to use to be notified of comments etc.

10) Enter your Site name

11) Enter your Blog Description

12) You can also set up your email configuration; usually the default settings are ok as most host support PHP Mail or SMTP support throuth the PHP.INI Settings.

13) Click Install WordPress.

Once installed, you can choose to have the details of the setup mailed to your email address for safe keeping. This is highly recommended in case you forget your admin login and password.

You're done! You now have WordPress installed on your domain.

To access your blog if you installed it in a sub-directory.

To manage your WordPress Blog you would login using the following. name/wp-admin/

If you installed it in the root directory you would use the default method of accessing your WordPress Blog.

And you're WordPress Admin Panel

Enjoy your new WordPress Blog!

About the Author:

Shawn DesRochers is the CEO of a successful SEO & Web Design Support Forum [] He also helps administrate one of the most popular Blogger support forums online at where bloggers can get answers to their current questions. If you need blog hosting we recommend []

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

Choosing a Computer for Freelance Graphic Design
By []Jonathon Hardcastle

For many years, when a freelance graphic designer chose a new computer, Macintosh was the automatic choice. Macintosh computers provided the memory, processing speed and storage necessary for large design files. Most graphic design firms and printing companies used only Macintosh computers. Today, that trend continues but PCs are making inroads in what used to be territory exclusive to Macintosh. Therefore, the decision on what computer to purchase is not as clear cut as it once was for graphic designers.

Hardware is the first consideration of most freelance designers. While PCs have been proven to rival Macs in terms of processing speed, some people claim that Macs still process large graphic files more efficiently. Also, Macintosh computers have a better maintenance record than most PCs. However, when a hardware problem does arise a Mac can cost more to repair.

Software is where the Macintosh shines compared to the PC. All the major graphic design applications are available for both platforms and run with similar speed. However, the Macintosh operating system has historically been much more stable than the Windows operating system and much easier for the end user to troubleshoot. Additionally, Macintosh computers are far less susceptible to viruses, adware and spyware than PCs, which are notorious for their security flaws.

There are considerations beyond the hardware and software that a freelance designer needs to consider. For example, Macintosh computers typically cost more than PCs. However, once a PC is equipped with the appropriate memory, processor and graphics card to efficiently process graphic files, the cost is fairly similar. If a designer decides to switch platforms any graphic design software already owned must be repurchased under a new license which leads many designers to stick with one platform.

Aesthetics are often a consideration of many designers. Macintosh computers are designed to look sleek and creative while PCs are typically more standard looking. However, some of Macintosh's most originally designed computers are not suitable for graphic design work, leaving a designer with the standard CPU tower, monitor and peripherals, though perhaps in interesting colors.

Finally, careful consideration must be given to interactions with outside vendors and clients. Many printing companies and graphic design firms still have a strong pro-Macintosh bias and may reject native files created with PC software. However, if you are submitting EPS, TIFF or PDF files, the difference in platform will be negligible.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including []Computers, []Science, and []Education

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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

Web Site Development Process - The Life-cycle Steps
By []Benny Alexander

A system development process can follow a number of standard or company specific frameworks, methodologies, modeling tools and languages. Software development life cycle normally comes with some standards which can fulfill the needs of any development team. Like software, web sites can also be developed with certain methods with some changes and additions with the existing software development process. Let us see the steps involve in any web site development.

1. Analysis:

Once a customer is started discussing his requirements, the team gets into it, towards the preliminary requirement analysis. As the web site is going to be a part of a system, It needs a complete analysis as, how the web site or the web based application is going to help the present system and how the site is going to help the business. Moreover the analysis should cover all the aspects especially on how the web site is going to join the existing system. The first important thing is finding the targeted audience. Then, All the present hardware, software, people and data should be considered during the time of analysis. For example, if a company XYZ corp is in need of a web site to have its human resource details online, the analysis team may try to utilize the existing data about the employees from the present database. The analysis should be done in the way, that it may not be too time consuming or with very less informative. The team should be able to come up with the complete cost-benefit analysis and as the plan for the project will be an output of analysis, it should be realistic. To achieve this the analyst should consult the designers, developers and testers to come up with a realistic plan.

Input: Interviews with the clients, Mails and supporting docs by the client, Discussions Notes, Online chat, recorded telephone conversations,Model sites/applications etc.,

Output: 1. Work plan, 2. Cost involved, 3. Team requirements, 4. Hardware-software requirements, 5. Supporting documents and 6. the approval

2. Specification Building:

Preliminary specifications are drawn up by covering up each and every element of the requirement. For example if the product is a web site then the modules of the site including general layout, site navigation and dynamic parts of the site should be included in the spec. Larger projects will require further levels of consultation to assess additional business and technical requirements. After reviewing and approving the preliminary document, a written proposal is prepared, outlining the scope of the project including responsibilities, timelines and costs.

Input: Reports from the analysis team

Output: Complete requirement specifications to the individuals and the customer/customer's representative

3. Design and development:

After building the specification, work on the web site is scheduled upon receipt of the signed proposal, a deposit, and any written content materials and graphics you wish to include. Here normally the layouts and navigation will be designed as a prototype.

Some customers may be interested only in a full functional prototype. In this case we may need to show them the interactivity of the application or site. But in most of the cases customer may be interested in viewing two or three design with all images and navigation.

There can be a lot of suggestions and changes from the customer side, and all the changes should be freezed before moving into the next phase. The revisions could be redisplayed via the web for the customer to view.

As needed, customer comments, feedback and approvals can be communicated by e-mail, fax and telephone.

Throughout the design phase the team should develop test plans and procedures for quality assurance. It is necessary to obtain client approval on design and project plans.

In parallel the Database team will sit and understand the requirements and develop the database with all the data structures and sample data will also be prepared.

Input: Requirement specification

Output: Site design with templates, Images and prototype

4. Content writing:

This phase is necessary mainly for the web sites. There are professional content developers who can write industry specific and relevant content for the site. Content writers to add their text can utilize the design templates. The grammatical and spelling check should be over in this phase.

Input: Designed template

Output: Site with formatted content

5. Coding:

Now its programmers turn to add his code without disturbing the design. Unlike traditional design the developer must know the interface and the code should not disturb the look and feel of the site or application. So the developer should understand the design and navigation. If the site is dynamic then the code should utilize the template. The developer may need to interact with the designer, in order to understand the design. The designer may need to develop some graphic buttons when ever the developer is in need, especially while using some form buttons. If a team of developers is working they should use a CVS to control their sources. Coding team should generate necessary testing plans as well as technical documentation. For example Java users can use JavaDoc to develop their documents to understand their code flow. The end-user documentation can also be prepared by the coding team, which can be used by a technical writer who can understand them, writes helps and manuals later.

Input: The site with forms and the requirement specification

Output: Database driven functions with the site, Coding documents

6. Testing:

Unlike software, web based applications need intensive testing, as the applications will always function as a multi-user system with bandwidth limitations. Some of the testing which should be done are, Integration testing, Stress testing, Scalablity testing, load testing, resolution testing and cross-browser compatibility testing. Both automated testing and manual testing should be done without fail. For example its needed to test fast loading graphics and to calculate their loading time, as they are very important for any web site. There are certain testing tools as well as some online testing tools which can help the testers to test their applications. For example ASP developers can use Microsoft's Web Application Test Tool to test the ASP applications, which is a free tool available from the Microsoft site to download.

After doing all the testing a live testing is necessary for web sites and web based applications. After uploading the site there should be a complete testing(E.g.. Links test)

Input: The site, Requirement specifications, supporting documents, technical specifications and technical documents

Output: Completed application/site, testing reports, error logs, frequent interaction with the developers and designers

7. Promotion:

This phase is applicable only for web sites. Promotion needs preparation of meta tags, constant analysis and submitting the URL to the search engines and directories. There is a details article in this site on site promotion, click here to read it. The site promotion is normally an ongoing process as the strategies of search engine may change quite often. Submitting a site URLs once in 2 months can be an ideal submission policy. If the customer is willing, then paid click and paid submissions can also be done with additional cost.

Input: Site with content, Client mails mentioning the competitors

Output: Site submission with necessary meta tag preparation

8. Maintenance and Updating:

Web sites will need quite frequent updations to keep them very fresh. In that case we need to do analysis again, and all the other life cycle steps will repeat. Bug fixes can be done during the time of maintenance. Once your web site is operational, ongoing promotion, technical maintenance, content management & updating, site visit activity reports, staff training and mentoring is needed on a regular basis depend on the complexity of your web site and the needs within your organization.

Input: Site/Application, content/functions to be updated, re-Analysis reports

Output: Updated application, supporting documents to other life cycle steps and teams.

The above-mentioned steps alone are not strict to web application or web site development. Some steps may not applicable for certain tasks. Its depend on the cost and time involved and the necessity. Sometimes if it is a intranet site, then there will be no site promotion. But even if you are a small development firm, if you adopt certain planning along with this web engineering steps in mind, it will definitely reflects in the Quality of the outcome.

See the flowchart "How we do web development in Macronimous?"[PDF format]

Macronimous is a specialised international web development agency, with a difference. We realise that Web development agency is a terminology that has been recently misrepresented and aim to differentiate ourselves from the others.

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

Web Application Development India
By []Rashmi Shrma

In the field of web development, developers understand your business needs and requirements, study your enterprise and offer a range of web application solutions from which you can select what suits your organization the best. Developers focus on solutions regarding your business queries instead of focusing only on the technical aspect of the problems. Reach towards the consultants who give you the provision of cost effective yet sound solutions. Several organizations which require application based development.

Steps to a successful web application development process:

Understanding the nature of enterprise- While the developers take the responsibility of working with the firm and planning the procedure of development, they go through the objectives of the organization and understand their working phenomenon. This criteria is taken into account in order to study the nature of the company so that there is nothing misunderstood about the firm itself.

Preparing a plan- After enough of studies about the nature and objectives, the turn is of planning. Probably the most difficult part, planning requires sheer knowledge, experience and future site in the planners. Which format suits the text, which kind of language would be most suitable, which graphics comply the content, how long would it take.......... These are few questions that often come into the mind while planning.

Work according to planning- When the plan is prepared fully, the time is to get it working. The programmers start working on coding, testing and publishing data, and phase is then represented in the form of a master document that is processed by the development team, which is submitted for approval. Developers have the technical hand in the formation of website and hence working according to what was planned can be useful and the project can be finished on time.

Result testing- This step represents the testing of what we have done, in this the technicians check the bugs and discrepancies which could have caused trouble for the site. The network issues are also resolved so that there are no failures. []Dimension India offers variety of services like []Professional website designing and website development services, []web application development, ecommerce website development, web design India, offshore website design.

Article Source:

Friday, August 17, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

Website Development on Your Own Terms
By []Scott Lindsay

The early days of web development saw a relatively small handful of ‘experts’ and had them seeking to find ways to make a website do what their client wanted them to do. There was very little standardized methods to make website development an easy process and each site may have been designed with customized programming that may have been totally incompatible with any other site.

When the number of programmers raised from a few hundred to more than 30,000 it became much clearer that there needed to be some cohesive way to simplify things. This process led to new partnerships and development applications that have become the standards of the day.

As new developments are unveiled they are field tested by programmers and implemented once it is clear that the methodology is workable.

In many cases these new development programs can be refined and repackaged into a form based method that allows non-tech customers to develop a website that is as functional as any other site and at a fraction of the cost.

Certainly this was not possible in 1995, but through the trial and error of more than ten years the best features have risen to the top and the have proven very useful to both programmers as well as online business.

With so many programs available to developers today it is becoming much easier to upgrade features and enhance website productivity.

Many programmers are very interested in making site developments self-directed by their customers. The reason is simply the sheer numbers of new sites that are being developed. If at least a portion of the site can be managed by the customer there are two benefits, 1) less need for one on one development for the programmer and, 2) more direct control by the website owner.

When the business owner has the capability of managing the functions of the website the faster the clarity of vision can be realized. This is largely viewed as one of the predominate features of self-directed programming on website developments.

The cost effective nature of self-directed site development has caused many to wonder why they didn’t look into this solution before. Many new start-up ecommerce sites have discovered this method to be the quickest way to provide their potential customers with the full benefit of their services.

The future of web development has a lot to do with the expectations of website owners and the demands of the consuming public. It is a safe assumption that as new technologies are required there will be programmers who can assist in its development and then work to refine the function so that ecommerce can implement the technology in a self-directed user-friendly format.

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects. HighPowerSites is the easiest do-it-yourself website builder on the web. No programming or design skill required. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes with at:

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

The Benefits Of Using Php Shopping Cart
By David B

The aspiring small-scale entrepreneur wanting to go global and
online from a small regional business would invariably need a
website the website needs to be functional, accessible and
attractive so as to encourage the potential customers. The
php-shopping cart is the need of the hour - regardless of
whether the potential customer wants to add, update or delete
from the list. The php cart should ideally be familiar to the
potential customers.on the internet considering that the
customer would opt for a familiar option rather than striving to
learn a new system. The more effective php cart needs to have a
textual message on each page which could be an intimation to the
user as to the number of items present in the php shopping cart
and on clicking on the message the customer would gain access to
the number and details of items in the php shopping cart.

Creating A Php Shopping Cart

The creation of a php-shopping cart is surprisingly simple and
when done with precision it could translate into a highly
effective and universally accepted php-shopping cart. The
details of the stocks are predictably stored in the database and
the only information required from the patient which would in
turn need to be stored is none other than the id of each product
that has been added to the php shopping cart. The php-shopping
cart is accessible and there are a variety of ways of reaching
it - the most popular being the clicking on a link or by
clicking on the 'add to cart' option on the product page. In the
event of the php-shopping cart being arrived at using the link
on the product page - 'add to cart' - the need of the hour is
undoubtedly to update the products in the php-shopping cart
before the display of a new product range.

It is not uncommon for the php-shopping cart to have more than
one of a kind of any particular product, which could be
compiled, and it is not advisable to list the number of products
of a particular kind in the php-shopping cart. There is a
commonality between the links to 'delete' or 'add' a product to
the php-shopping cart. The customer could well have the option
of updating the products in the php shopping cart - manually!
The php shopping cart is seldom empty and if it is an
appropriate message needs to be flashed to the effect. This is
one aspect of the php-shopping cart, which can scarcely be

The Traits Of A Php Shopping Cart

The traits of a successful PHP shopping cart is predominantly
that of - having the requisite information sent to cart. The
php-shopping cart has the ability to locate and execute a high
compliance php-shopping cart. The php-shopping cart has the
inherent ability to call an external php file to say the least.
The most popular of the options available is none other than the
ability to pay by 'pay pal' the php-shopping cart then is a boon
when used judiciously and history when ignored!

About the Author: You can visit David
can be reached by phone: 323-933-9291


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

By Halstatt Pires

When building web sites, ASP and PHP are very popular
languages. Here’s my opinion on whether ASP or PHP is best


Both ASP and PHP are languages used to build Dynamic Web sites
that can interact with Databases and exchange information. ASP
(Active Server Pages) is from Microsoft and is used with IIS
(Internet Information Server) that runs on Microsoft Servers.
PHP (Personal Home Pages) is from Rasmus Lerdorf, who originally
designed this parsing language which was later modified by
different people. It runs on Unix and Linux servers and it also
has an NT server version.

There are a lot of differences between ASP and PHP.


To run ASP programs one needs IIS installed on a Windows
platform server, which is not free. PHP programs run on Linux,
which is free. Even the connectivity of the database is
expensive in the case of ASP as MS-SQL is a product of Microsoft
that needs to be purchased. PHP generally uses MySQL, which is
freely available.


If we compare the speed of ASP and PHP then PHP has an upper
hand. PHP code runs faster than ASP. ASP is built on COM based
architecture, which is an overhead for the server whereas PHP
code runs in its own memory space.

Platform Compatibility

PHP programs can run on various platforms like Linux, Unix,
Windows and Solaris whereas ASP is mainly associated with
Windows platforms. However, ASP can run on a Linux platform with
ASP-Apache installed on the server.

Additional Costs

Many of the tools used in PHP are free of cost and since PHP is
open source a lot of code can be found in open source forums.
PHP has inbuilt features like ftp, email from a web page or even
encryption mechanisms but in ASP such features are not built in
and some additional components are required. Therefore an
additional cost is incurred for such components.

Base Language

PHP is based on C++ language and the syntax used in PHP is
quite similar to C/C++. C/C++ is still considered the best
programming language by many programmers and people who love
this language would surely feel more comfortable with the syntax
of PHP. ASP on the other hand has a more Visual Basic kind of
syntax that again is closely related to only Microsoft products.
So, it depends on a person-to-person which language he or she is

Database Connectivity

PHP, being extremely flexible, can connect to various
databases, the most popular being MySQL. ASP mainly uses MS-SQL.


Both languages have their advantages specific to users. Some
would argue that both the languages have their own importance
and depending on the user's requirements the language and the
platform can be chosen. If we talk about developing a discussion
board then ASP is equally capable but many feel the best
discussion boards are developed in PHP. If a user is looking for
some e-commerce application development then many would call ASP
the ideal choice. This does not mean that PHP cannot provide
e-commerce solutions, only that many people choose ASP.

From my perspective, PHP is an all around better choice than

About the Author: Halstatt Pires is with the Internet marketing
firm - - a San Diego Internet
marketing and advertising company offering automated web site
systems - - for e-commerce


Monday, August 13, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

For Automated Sites - Php And Mysql Are A Perfect Match
By Halstatt Pires

You’ve decided to automate your web site. Now what? Here are
some ideas to help you choose how to automate your site.

A bit of programming is going to be necessary if you want to
automate a site. There are many types of programs that can be
used to automate a web site including JavaScript, PHP, Perl,
ASP, Java and more. So, which do you use? For many, it is a
personal choice.

I prefer PHP for programming. PHP is a particularly useful
programming language because it allows for advanced programming
and is easy to integrate with web pages. Another plus of PHP is
that the language interfaces very well with MySQL, a popular
type of online database.

Yet another plus of PHP is that it is Open Source Code. The
actual code that is PHP is available to the public for free,
while the source code for products such as ASP are not. Because
PHP is open source, there is a large community of PHP
programmers that help each other with code. This means PHP
programmers can rely on each other by using reusable pieces of
code called functions and classes rather than constantly
reinventing the wheel. This can dramatically cut down on
production time.

Overall, PHP is flexible, cheaper than many alternatives, and
built around a community. PHP and MySQL are excellent choice for
webmasters looking to automate their web sites.

What Can PHP and MySQL do for me? Just about anything you can
think of. That is the beauty of custom programming. A few ideas
of what you can do with a PHP and MySQL driven site include:

1. E-commerce
2. User Polls
3. Keyword Tracking
4. Set User Preferences
5. Manage Password Protected Member's Areas
6. Lead Follow Up
7. Customer Relations
8. Content Management
9. Email Newsletters
10. Accounting
11. Invoicing
12. Scheduled Updates

The list is limited only by your imagination. Once you have
decided to go with a PHP and MySQL site, you can either get a
custom program created, use a prepackaged version or a
combination of both. Many PHP and MySQL programs that come
prepackaged are easy to customize and can save you a lot of time
and money over starting from the ground up.

About the Author: Halstatt Pires is an Internet marketing
consultant with - an Internet
marketing firm in San Diego offering automated web site systems


Saturday, August 11, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

Free PHP Web Hosting - Where To Find The Best Free PHP Web Site Hosting
By []Karin I Manning

There are many benefits to a free PHP web hosting service. This article will reveal everything you need to know about php web hosting and the essentials of the best web site hosting service.

PHP was initially developed in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf. He created it as a tool to help website designers. What he developed was the ability to allow users to place macros in static html pages and codes. However, it wasn't till 1997 that it became a fully-fledged programming language.

Nowadays this tool is used with Apache in millions of websites worldwide and its popularity is ever on the increase.

How this application works is that it allows users to create dynamic applications and web pages. It allows website developers to insert several states into an easy simple tag. It has numerous multimedia capabilities and is also able to be used with audio streaming.

There are a large number of free hosting companies that offer it. It is often less expensive when compared with other hosting options and it can actually support numerous databases including MySQL and Oracle, just to name a few.

However, there are considerable disadvantages when using a free alternative.

The response may be very slow which could mean they are hosting more domains than they are really capable of managing. This may make it extremely difficult for website visitors to fully access and read your websites.

Another disadvantage is that generally speaking the customer service and tech support is very poor.

Banner ads are also a frequent eyesore on these websites and are a great distraction to your visitors who you are trying to promote or sell to.

While it is proving more and more popular I would recommend that you stay away from a free web hosting service and considerable a reliable but very inexpensive paid service. Some of these services only cost a few dollars a month. However, the difference to your bottom line is truly immeasurable.

For the latest information about the best web hosting options check out the website below today!

Copyright 2007. We've had enough of crook webhosting companies charging the earth and not delivering. For this reason we reviewed a range of web hosting companies that promise the best value for money and superior service. However, NOT all web hosting packages are created equal. Nor do they live up to their claims. Learn the shocking truth about webhosts at my []web hosting review site by visiting now!

Article Source:

Friday, August 10, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

Website Development For Search Engines Part 1
By []Mark Andrew Jones

Creating an online presence is big business nowadays and unfortunately the same mistakes are still being made by web developers, or rather overlooked when it comes to getting a website online.

It does not matter if the business is small or large (We have built websites for multinational corporations and smaller mum and dad businesses) some things must be adhered to:

Do not assume that your web developer or web designer will do the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for you.

Search Engine optimization is an integral part of the web development process and should not be overlooked or “tacked on at the end, if we have budget”.

It is imperative that you include the cost of search engine optimization in the budget when costing your website.

Search Engine Optimization is important.

Business owners think that they can get a website built place it online and then sit back and sales and traffic roll in, their only worry will be keeping up wth the orders being placed, right? Wrong.

So what is SEO and why is it important?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the art of developing your website with search engines in mind. If your website is not Search Engine friendly then the chances of your website getting properly indexed by a search are not good.

If a search engine cannot index your website then the chances of your website appearing in the search engines results when someone enters a keyword to do with your website are very slim indeed. No results is equal to no traffic.

So what are some of the good things you and your web developer can do to optimize your website for search engines?

Part 1) Title tags, Meta tags and why should I use the <> tag in the body of my website.

1) HTML title tag
Place a meaningful title inside the title tag, do not stuff it with keywords but by the same token having a phrase which is to do with your website certainly does not hurt.

As an example, we used “Software development and Web Design”, our Gold Coast Web Design company does both of these things so why not put it in the title. Also, “Software development” and “Web Design” are two key phrases which people will certainly search on.

2) HTML Description and Keywords meta tags
These two tags are not as important as they once were but are still not to be overlooked.

Place a description of what your website will be about and what it will do inside the HTML escription meta tag. Again do not overstuff your description with keywords or key phrases s the content in the description should have “some” relevance to the information contained in the body of the page. If it is not relevant, some search engines smell something fishy and may blacklist your website or decide not to index the site. Remember, search engines are doing you a favor by indexing your website and adding it to their catalogue. Do not expect it!

The HTML Keywords meta tag is used to contain keywords or key phrases which are relevant to your website.

For example, if you have an Australian, Gold Coast Software and web design business, use keywords like “Web design, Gold Coast, Australia, web application development”. Again, obey the same rules for the Keywords meta tag as you would for the Description meta tag; Do not overstuff keywords but by the same token do use it.

3) We all know that “Content is king” but what about optimization?

Search engines place more emphasis on keywords surrounded by the <> tag.

For those people who are not familiar with the <> tag, it is a standard way of emphasizing text on a webpage (Heading 1). Up until the use of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) displaying a word surrounded by the <> tag meant it would appear huge on the page. As such it was reserved for headings, headings are important (Search engines recognize this) and use the <> tag as well as the other heading tags (<><> etc) to rate keywords in a page.

So, in a nutshell, place important keywords inside the <> tag; e.g. <>Gold Coast, Software Development. If your keywords and heading are appearing too large, don’t worry, a little bit of CSS can reduce that size but still give emphasis to your keywords.

Coming up in part 2) More information about how you can optimize the body of your website for SEO. The dangers of using PHP session IDs in the querystring and are database driven websites a good thing when it comes to SEO.

Mark Jones is a Senior Analyst Programmer for Gold Coast Web Design Company and

Article Source:

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

Free PHP Web Hosting - Where To Find The Best Free PHP Web Site Hosting
By []Karin I Manning

There are many benefits to a free PHP web hosting service. This article will reveal everything you need to know about php web hosting and the essentials of the best web site hosting service.

PHP was initially developed in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf. He created it as a tool to help website designers. What he developed was the ability to allow users to place macros in static html pages and codes. However, it wasn't till 1997 that it became a fully-fledged programming language.

Nowadays this tool is used with Apache in millions of websites worldwide and its popularity is ever on the increase.

How this application works is that it allows users to create dynamic applications and web pages. It allows website developers to insert several states into an easy simple tag. It has numerous multimedia capabilities and is also able to be used with audio streaming.

There are a large number of free hosting companies that offer it. It is often less expensive when compared with other hosting options and it can actually support numerous databases including MySQL and Oracle, just to name a few.

However, there are considerable disadvantages when using a free alternative.

The response may be very slow which could mean they are hosting more domains than they are really capable of managing. This may make it extremely difficult for website visitors to fully access and read your websites.

Another disadvantage is that generally speaking the customer service and tech support is very poor.

Banner ads are also a frequent eyesore on these websites and are a great distraction to your visitors who you are trying to promote or sell to.

While it is proving more and more popular I would recommend that you stay away from a free web hosting service and considerable a reliable but very inexpensive paid service. Some of these services only cost a few dollars a month. However, the difference to your bottom line is truly immeasurable.

For the latest information about the best web hosting options check out the website below today!

Copyright 2007. We've had enough of crook webhosting companies charging the earth and not delivering. For this reason we reviewed a range of web hosting companies that promise the best value for money and superior service. However, NOT all web hosting packages are created equal. Nor do they live up to their claims. Learn the shocking truth about webhosts at my []web hosting review site by visiting now!

Article Source:

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

Web Hosting Php Mysql - Guide
By []Lee Brooker

Put web hosting php mysql together and you have yourself a dynamic website! Getting web hosting, php, MySQL opens the door for your business to develop in areas that your never thought possible.

Standard web hosting is fine when nothing much needs to happen to your site. Adding PHP enables you to create or use existing opt in forms or maybe a membership software package you may have purchased. You know the ones I mean. With username and password verification and all that technical stuff!

Having PHP and MySQL is the standard and most popular choice for most webmasters and website developers.

This may sound pretty obvious, but web hosting PHP MySQL do not all come as standard in hosting packages! One may not come with the other. But not only this, you must also be aware or the different versions of PHP and SQL. MySQL is a vendor for the SQL as is Ms Windows and Oracle.

Check and double check everything before committing yourself to any web hosting PHP MySQL set up. Like I said before this may seem a little obvious, but you will be amazed at the amount of people that actually over look not only the compatibility of web hosting PHP and MySQL but make the mistake in automatically thinking that they are all going to work together.

If your web hosting PHP MySQL is all in one then its safe to assume they all work together! Its when you are putting a bespoke hosting package together that the importance of making sure you kow your SQL and PHP versions.

If I any doubt at all, do not hesitate to email the company that you are considering purchasing your web hosting PHP and MySQL from. Its not good practice to think inferior of yourself and refrain from asking the simplest question regarding this type of service. Its complicated if its an unchartered area of your online business knowledge.

Not asking about web hosting PHP MySQL questions will result in many headaches and frustration not to mention valuable lost time!

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