Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

Web Hosting Php Mysql - Guide
By []Lee Brooker

Put web hosting php mysql together and you have yourself a dynamic website! Getting web hosting, php, MySQL opens the door for your business to develop in areas that your never thought possible.

Standard web hosting is fine when nothing much needs to happen to your site. Adding PHP enables you to create or use existing opt in forms or maybe a membership software package you may have purchased. You know the ones I mean. With username and password verification and all that technical stuff!

Having PHP and MySQL is the standard and most popular choice for most webmasters and website developers.

This may sound pretty obvious, but web hosting PHP MySQL do not all come as standard in hosting packages! One may not come with the other. But not only this, you must also be aware or the different versions of PHP and SQL. MySQL is a vendor for the SQL as is Ms Windows and Oracle.

Check and double check everything before committing yourself to any web hosting PHP MySQL set up. Like I said before this may seem a little obvious, but you will be amazed at the amount of people that actually over look not only the compatibility of web hosting PHP and MySQL but make the mistake in automatically thinking that they are all going to work together.

If your web hosting PHP MySQL is all in one then its safe to assume they all work together! Its when you are putting a bespoke hosting package together that the importance of making sure you kow your SQL and PHP versions.

If I any doubt at all, do not hesitate to email the company that you are considering purchasing your web hosting PHP and MySQL from. Its not good practice to think inferior of yourself and refrain from asking the simplest question regarding this type of service. Its complicated if its an unchartered area of your online business knowledge.

Not asking about web hosting PHP MySQL questions will result in many headaches and frustration not to mention valuable lost time!

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