Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Illusion Technologies: PHP Developers

How to Install WordPress Using Fantastico
By []Shawn DesRochers

Using Fantastico to install WordPress

Using Fantastico to install your WordPress Blog is one of the easiest methods and probably the quickest ways of setting up a blog. Fantastico will install the WordPress software and create the database and the configuration file for you.

How to use Fantastico to install WordPress?

Login to your web hosting control panel, and in this tutorial we'll assume your using cPanel.

It can usually be accessed by the default method.

1) Login to your control panel "cPanel"

2) Click on the Fantastico icon or look for the Blue Smiley Face icon.

3) Select WordPress from the list on the right.

4) Click New Installation.

5) Select the domain name you want WordPress installed on.

If you have more than one domain hosted on your account, be sure to select the domain you want your WordPress Blog installed in.

6) Decide if you want WordPress installed in the root or a sub-directory.

Example: if you want it in the root directory leave it blank. If you wish to install it in a sub-directory make up the directory name you want it installed in like "blog or wordpress".

7) Next enter an Admin username and password, but be sure to write them down as you will use this information to enter your WordPress Admin Panel.

8) Now enter your Admin nickname that you will go by when posting articles.

9) Enter your admin email address that you wish to use to be notified of comments etc.

10) Enter your Site name

11) Enter your Blog Description

12) You can also set up your email configuration; usually the default settings are ok as most host support PHP Mail or SMTP support throuth the PHP.INI Settings.

13) Click Install WordPress.

Once installed, you can choose to have the details of the setup mailed to your email address for safe keeping. This is highly recommended in case you forget your admin login and password.

You're done! You now have WordPress installed on your domain.

To access your blog if you installed it in a sub-directory.

To manage your WordPress Blog you would login using the following. name/wp-admin/

If you installed it in the root directory you would use the default method of accessing your WordPress Blog.

And you're WordPress Admin Panel

Enjoy your new WordPress Blog!

About the Author:

Shawn DesRochers is the CEO of a successful SEO & Web Design Support Forum [] He also helps administrate one of the most popular Blogger support forums online at where bloggers can get answers to their current questions. If you need blog hosting we recommend []

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